First, we enjoyed a great trip to Arizona! I had the pleasure of going to a conference for work. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia puts on a wonderful conference every year for people working in pediatric cardiology. The content of the lectures was great, but even better was an opportunity for me to catch up with friends from my former job at CHOA.
I love what I do and the children I care for. I am so blessed to work with such a wonderful group of patients, families and co-workers! Anyway, Anders was able to join me for part of the conference and we took that opportunity to explore some of Arizona. The highlight of our trip was definitely our tour of Sedona.
We took a tour with Pink Jeep Tours and it was fantastic. One of my co-workers recommended them and we are so glad we used them. The tour was exciting and the scenery was stunning! Anders and I would love to go back and do it again one day.
We have also been in the process of having a new roof put on our home. Boring life stuff, but hopefully it will make our house a better place to live. We love our little home, and are happy to be able to fix what needs to be fixed. Hopefully the new roof will be put on next week, and maybe I'll remember to take some pictures of it.
I turned 29 earlier the month. Although this birthday was not nearly as traumatic as my 25th birthday (when I started crying at lunch with my mom and dear friend), I think I may have a complex about getting older. A few days before the big day Anders found my first gray hair... Bleh! That's not OK, I am going to have to tell my faithful hairdresser, Tommy, to fix that little problem the next time I see him. Overall, my friends and family made the celebration of my birthday very special with a little day trip to Atlanta, dinner at Grits and a lovely dessert at The Tic Toc Room.
After the birthday, our church had it's Missions Conference. It was wonderful and challenging. It's always so encouraging to hear what the Lord is doing in other areas in the world, and challenging to hear how we can be helping others spread the gospel, or going onto the mission field ourselves. I am excited to read, Palmer Chinchen's (our keynote speaker) new book, "True Religion - Taking Pieces of Heaven to Places of Hell on Earth" I will try to remember to let you all know how it is.
Lastly we just returned from a weekend getaway to Atlanta. We went with my parents and our dear friends Kris and Gerri Ann to see Bryan Adams! We had a blast at the concert, and were surprised to be able to visit with some sweet friends who had just adopted the most precious baby boy.
Whew, I'm tired from writing that. Sometimes I feel like being busy is the only way to really enjoy your time to the fullest, but hopefully sometime, I will learn to slow down and not have to always have a new event on the horizon. My husband is much better at this than I am. Hopefully, his hermit-like behavior that I give him such a hard time about will rub off on me a little bit :)
PS Whoever reads all this mess deserves some kind of reward, because this was a really long and fairly boring post. Sorry I'm not a better blogger :)