
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Breakfasts

When I first got married, I had all these great dreams of getting up early on Sunday mornings and cooking a delicious breakfasts for my husband. Well, the first couple of Sundays came and went with us trying to fulfill my dream and ending up rushed and grumpy as we headed to church. Over time we fine-tuned our Sunday routine to allow for either a quick breakfast standing in the kitchen or a Starbucks run on the way to church.

So, I think that means that I'm probably just too lazy to get up a little earlier than normal. Oh well, we are much happier with our new routine than me being constantly frustrated by the fact that I'm not Susie Homemaker.

This Sunday, Anders I had did have a nice little breakfast made completely of food bought at a local market on Saturday. First, you ought to know that Anders and I are not lovers of health food. We like it alright and know it's good for us, but if we were to be honest we both would rather have doughnuts, candy, and fast-food. However, in light of the fact that we would both like to live to a ripe old age, we are making strides to do better with our eating. So the yummy and not unhealthy meal you see pictured is some-type of homemade, whole grain bread with seeds in it, with locally grown and made peach jelly and a fresh peach. It was delicious and hopefully this is a first step to happy Sunday mornings and a long healthy life.

Happy Fourth!

Well friends, the fourth came and went and we had a blast! Anders had an "energy day" at work of Friday which meant that he got to stay home from work that day, and I was thankful to get to leave work a little early on Friday. So we got to spend the afternoon nursing our latest addiction, Glee! Then we were off to a fun-filled Saturday. We recently started the couch to 5K program, so we started at the gym then ended up with our friends, the Meyers, for and afternoon at the pool. The day wrapped up with dinner and a blizzard with one of my former roommates, Katie and her husband John David.

Sunday was another busy day. We tidied up our severely neglected backyard for an impromptu cookout with some friends. About 30 minutes before our guests were due to arrive, it started pouring down rain. Then about 15 minutes later we lost power. Great. Thankfully all of our guests were good sports and the power returned before we blew ourselves up trying to light the pilot light on our gas oven. Yikes!

On Monday we headed over to our friends' home know as, "The Shed." Traditionally, the guys in this home host an amazing party complete with homemade BBQ, karaoke, fireworks, and tons of friends. This year they did not disappoint!
This is a photo of some of our good friends watching fireworks at our local country club. We had a great time!

After such a busy weekend it was not fun to have to go back to work. I don't know why 4 day work weeks always seem to be so long. So we were definitely looking forward to this weekend, and our upcoming vacation!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Well folks, I cannot believe it's already July! We have already had a great weekend full of food and friends and are looking forward to a day of relaxing and more food and more friends. We are headed to our friends' 4th annual 4th of July Party tonight. It has historically been awesome and we have high hopes for another amazing night of Boston butts, karaoke, and fireworks. Hopefully some great pictures will becoming soon.

Anyway, Happy Independence Day! Many thanks to all the men and women who have fought for the freedoms that we enjoy everyday.